Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Something fishy about this...........

comming soon......

will review more in near future~ ^^


kev said...

looks like a KE wagon or perhaps like your TE! hehe

Kae Huang Tan said...

hehe~ good eyes bro~ good eyes~

will post more pic in these two days~

ScAvEnGeR said...

Looks, sounds, and smells fishy... I know I know I know... but I'm not telling, yet! hahaha...

Congrats on acquiring it and hope to hear it rumble soon. TKA will have many projects to resolve in 2010. Cheers mate!

Kae Huang Tan said...

hohoho~ yet lot's to do before my big day~ :P but i'll probly focus on getting mango done first~

No-2 is not top priority. Guess can't join you on Dec's track day mate~ hope to meet up on march 2010's open track then ;)