It's a sunny day yesterday~ Good weather for us for we were all running UHPT and semi-slick tyre~ which weren't any good in wet condition. I got my call that our car had arrived at the Paddock around 7 in the morning.
And my car cannot get started for the trailer driver told me that mango was screaming through the night (alarm went off due to the vibration, forgot to turn off the vibration sensor)
And after unloading all the cars (didn't get to take photo due to busy waking mango up) We all unload all our stuff and getting ready the cars.
And some were admiring others car while waiting for the organizer to announce the track is officially open.
And mango was siting noisily for i need to let the engine running to charge up the batteries.
And there's car which had been here since last night (Saturday night fever) which were waiting to join the afternoon Time To Attack event~
And i take the little time off to stroll around and enjoy the calm ambience~
And i'm glad to see how clean it was kept.
my friends told me i had to walk all the way out to get my Open Track Day's driver tag. Which is about 500 meters away (>_<)
And caught in the long queue of ppl who also only received the 'order' after parking the car in the paddock.
(hm~ i swear i seem her somewhere before.........)
*goodthing i bring mango along with me, so i won't need to walk all the way back to the paddock~ lol
And there's the wait again~ Everything is so calm before the track opened.
And i decided to take another stroll to see what's in the other paddock.
bunch of hondas~
a shy fellas hiding deep inside~
And people selling food and drinks (>_<)can drinks selling @ RM3/can~ yaiks!
A beautiful KTM X-Bow~
The Event of the day~
My friend's 101 spotted~!
And a handsome NSX GT car~

Our lady drifter spotted~ lol
And by then, the track was opened~ and i rush back to paddock 9 where mango was parked and fired him up. And in the track we go~ (videos were uploading to youtube now, should be ready by tomorrow)
For this is my first time in SIC, i waited for others to go in only i follow the others. So i can copy their lines from behind. Which i regret to said, unsuccessful. There's so much width and different car were suite to take different racing lines. And i wasn't sure about which line to take at all (>_<) But anyhow~ i just go on and enjoy the drive in the nice and even pavement.
The FZ-201 got plenty of grips and i can feel from the steering feedback which mango's telling me he got plenty of grips upfront. I just keep testing new lines for every corners. Until i eventually snap the rear and spun. And truly old chassis and fix axle with 0 degree camber had lower lateral G limits than live axle cars.
All new cars were scary. Just see how they took those corners without hesitations~ And for the first time i feel the urge of having more power as seeing those car with bigger engine leaving me behind after exiting corners where i could still keeping close to them entering the corners.
I did 5 laps in the first run, though i plan to come out at lap 4 but i miss the exit and had to take another lap. Then rest for a while, which i meet Simon and give him a taxi ride~ another 4 laps and another spun and i'm out from the track again~ For my 4th gear keep poping out whenever i let go the throttler.
After some inspection and still can't figure what went wrong. Our 'what-ever, just go have fun' kick-in~ And when it's my turn to leave the pit lane, the car in front of me spun and stalled @ the first corner in front of me eye. And red light came on. I had to wait at the gate for a couple of minutes which i was grateful that i still have mango's air-condition intact. LOL~ i can wait in cool cabin whereas i can see a few car behind opened up their car door to let the 'cold' wind in.
The car were tow out and the track were open again~ I tried to push mango a bit to see how the tyres hold up. And it's great~! until i felt my left wheels were vibrating when i was on full breaking, it's time to went back to the pit. This time i only manage to done 3 laps.
A quick look at the front disc. And instead of the brake, it's the crossmember that caught my eyes. Mango's oil pan is wet~! OMG. something is leaking oil. I opened up the hood and had a quick check around the top portion. No trace of oil. Which could be the lower part which is leaking. As a faulty crank oil seal or a leaky oil pan gasket isn't a good sign+might cause danger to other drivers. So i reversed mango out from the pit and part it outside where he won't obstruct other's traffic. And let him get his well earned rest. Until i'm sure he's good and healthy again. SIC will have to wait.
And since it's only 11.15~ i took out my camera and getting around to watch the actions~

the lambo is pretty hard to get the timing right~ It's so bloody fast~!
And some one decided that the Non Sticky driver tag had other place to be where it's more visible.
And finally it's 12, and everyone pack-ed up and start loading their cars onto the trailers and waiting to get home.
I'm coming home~ coming home......