sunday is a nice day~ ^.^ not working, so i decided to give mango a bath~ hehehe. but ouch~ i forget that mango's hatch back door is still missing it's sealing lining. so it's not "water proof" and i end up having a wet boot (nearly had a in-car-swimming-pool) so had to let it down under the good hot sun of february to dry it up. few hours later it finally dried up and i received a call from ah wei (12) to meet up with our sticker-boy from penang, tommy chan. so i fire up mango and cruise my way out to meet them.
300M away from home... disaster struck~! mango's heart just stop pumping... i slide mango to the side and check (it's 28 years old for goodness sake, anything can happen) and guess what i found out? ^.^

my fuel tank was empty T_T... there isn't any drop of fuel left in the fuel filter. hahaha~ my fuel meter doesn't work properly as i expected. good thing i was only 300m from home. a short walk from home to pick up my ranger to get some petrol with an empty "thinner" container (the label said the volume of the container is 3.2L but i filled it up with RM4.90/2.55L of petrol *.* bloody con-tainer) and walla~ it's alive! without any delay i drove my way to the petrol station to fill up the tank. mango drank up RM88 worth of petrol, man he's thirsty. so i ended up 1 hour late for the meeting (really sorry guys)...

after meeting up with ah wei (12), ah boy (lao hia), tommy, ah ahn and andrew (003) at Chean exhaust. ah wei said wanna try to do clutch kick with mango, and see what happen when he climb in mango.

he hit the roof! TE kinda of meant for short fella like me :P hahaha~
after a few harsh attempt, we give up, it's just too little torque in mango's heart... T_T so no nice photo/video to show you all. maybe i had to wait till i can get mango a new heart later then he might be able to do some nice move. ^_^, looking forward for that day to come.