Door taken out~ hoots off, and all the available panal is going to taken out as well, mango 2 is ready for his in-out-through body paint with one layer of foundation/anti-rust layer and then will be painted with matt-black~ (my own absorber paint :P)

taking out the door to fit to mango 1, cause it's in better condition. Since mango-2 is only for 'play-ing' purposes, he will get give all the better parts to mango-1, which i will be making a road friendly model.

Ah Heng is cleanning up the rust which form in the years under the canvas which the previous owner had left it to be.

While cleaning the rust on the rear pillar, i saw something i had never seen before~ the original welding (IN COPPER~!) of the roof to the chassis's pillar.

Working hard to take out the side window which i will keep it as a spare for mango-1 and later will replace with acrylic panel, ^_^ if can find polycarbonate it's better~ fufufu~~~ more to come next week when i took mango back from Ah Lai's place~
keep the pants on firmly yo~