Just come back from checking mango's work detail for the last time. Just to make sure there's no over shoot work or un-welded panel. The only additional panel which had been added is the reinforcement of the pan-hard rod's bracket.

This should make sure it won't bend or wobble during high-speed cruising.

Finally all the body widening panel was in place and blend-in with the body slim line~ hoho~

look at the arch from a nother angle. Only some minor adjustment remain and mango was expected to be picked up on friday afternoon~
T_T which means a few ~K~ of $ gonna be falling out of my wallet by then *_*
YES la~! Looks like Mango's back~!
yup~ coming home today~ but still got a lot of work to do~
but mango1 will not be using for competition purpose already. i'm making mango1 my daily ride (while maintaining the handling with added comfort)
so mango 2 would be the killer? hahah, congrats
hahaha~ got somemore shocking news coming *_* something really need you all's opinion~ will post it on later~
Post fast fast.. Beh tahan liao...
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