Day One~ really had to remind myself that i wasn't coming over to have fun but to promote my products. ^.^ coz i'm all into bringing mango for a spin in the track. with Ah Ann-Go as my instructor.
(finally got the pic and video from my brother)

waiting at the "pit" exit

and my mango went out extremely slow *.* (gosh~ 50+hp really is little)

it looks as if i was giving chase :P but actually i was being overtaken ^.^ and i was on my 3rd gear at 5000rpm through the corner (mango's 4K-c max rev was only 6000rpm) so i'm only going about 100 around that corner. wonder how fast they went during overtaking me ^_* but still~ i like this pic a lot thanks bro.

Dr. goh overtake me in just one corner ! @_@ dam he is fast.

only 5 laps out in the track then i was being flag out. because they saw lot's of white smoke coming out under my car.
so we had to stop and check the engine. after much check up we conclude that maybe the engine oil pressure is too high during high rev which cause it to over-flow into the combustion chamber. thus burning engine oil causing it to spoof white "cloud" lol~
after a few minutes rest, we went into the track again ^^ this time with ann-go behind the wheel, darn, his racing line really is accurate and fast, i think his lap time in mango is certainly 5~8 second faster than me @_@. then he show me a few other line which i can take in mango, different line give different speed and handling feeling. thanks a lot ann-go, really learn a lot with you behind the wheel. we run around 12 laps or so, and i saw the mango's temperature is shoring high, so i ask ann-go to stop and get out from the track.

back to rest in our little booth where we display our products ^.^ home made TKA absorbers. a few (fast) cars in the track was using my modified absorber. and certainly i would say they was quite satisfied with it ^.^ ~ *(you can saw the BC-M ppl was taking my ranger out for a spin to clean the track for debris ^.^)
After the islam friends afternoon prayer at 1.30, we begin our free for all track "training" this time i manage to drag our BC-M-12 - ah wei as my instructor. this time we tried a few new racing lines. as i start to feel that i was going faster on the track (coz i manage to up-shift earlier and earlier ^_^) suddenly white steam puffing out under the bonnet. i quickly stop the engine and slide the car into the service lane.

i think we just boiled the entire radiator *.* darn~ in just a few minutes puppy come charging in the ford ranger with bro on top of it. Love you puppy~ thanks.

tow bar on~ with ah wei on the wheel, we slowly cruise back into the pit... T_T