It was 9pm, while i was watching "Inspecter Gadget" i received a call from Daniel (LE-2A) who was the contact person in penang province for Club North Toyota. So i call up Ah wei (12) and went on to Mc-D in autocity. In which i saw a series of toyota ranking in adge ^.^ ST185, AE80, AE82, and AE101. Too bad my mango wasn't home yet, if not sure will as a TE72 in (sad sad...T_T)

Amm's SEG with Subaru Bumper (yes~! SUBARU) he manage to fit it nicely into his beautiful SEG with 4AGE-20V silver top.

Farid's Blacktop SE with Trueno bumper, also nicely done ^.^ (gotta get one of this for my bro's SE)

Daniel's original 2A LE, very well maintain for a 20+ years old car.

And lastly's "toyota-buruk" 's Corona.

And lastly, Lao Shan's White Vios Manual, which taken everyone's attention. lol~

It's nice to meet up with guys from *kelketu*very down to earth and certious to learm ^.^ and really didn't mind to share their knowledge between each other.