what a night in teluk bahang on saturday night. a lot of "drama" ^.^ which we do like it because we weren't the "lead actors" hahaha~ we were just extras "ke-le-fe".
-> visits
ScAvEnGeR's blog for more details ^^(lazy to type :P)

Our crowd sure had grown each time. There's was our famous Penang Touge-king -> Andrew Chew (Snappy one) Wei -12, Partick GUN, Raj-R3, The MECH- Chris (Fer fer) and Tommy (sin) Chan, our Dalai-lama Daniel, and others friends, which i'm so sorry can't really remember all your names.

And this time i brought my new secret weapon ^^. GPS~

It's quite nice to look at "mini map" while touge-ing. It give me prior information on the corner ahead of me. So i can take faster corner for it's my first time driving all out (in Ranger) on the touge. just like playing NFS ^.^
It's a really fun night. And was quite a horror driving a tall 4X4 on a winding road where there's cliffs on your left and deep drains on your right. and not to say tight bridge. Man, it's a scary touge to run in. thanks fully this trip, everyone's car make it safely back to our home except our Raj got hold up by the police till late midnight.
And more bad news coming up today, during the time i ask my worker to shift the front tyre to the rear, i discover two things wasn''t look right on my ranger!
My tyre -
This is how it looks like after the touge.
and this is the pic i took few weeks earlier... see the side was gone T_T....
and my spring.....
slightly bended at the end where the second spring leaves the support. (i pulled out the 3rd and 4th spring and put in a coil spring for better ride.
looks like this would be the last time Ranger would go touge-ing. Next time, it will be mango's turn to storm down teluk bahang's windings ^_^