Go on check mango again and what came into my eyes shocked me O_O~
the whole side panel was re-build-ed~ holy gosh~ as Lai said he cannot bare with the 'rotten' part. As he promise me a 10 years road going chassis.
And more panel at the rear were chopped off as well...
They even looked inside the main structure and had it strengthen with bars to support the cross-member and the engine's twisting power.
so far for now, looks like mango's period of stay in the 'hospital' would had to extended.
Tsuchiya(DK) please blest my mango ^.^ hohoho~
Massive works bro. Can't wait to see it out.
ya~ the boss found that there's a lot of places was twist-ed & bend. SO lot's have to cut out and push/force the chassis back to it's place, as close as possible. And damn, the NA engine of TOYOTA/YAMAHA can do so much damage to the engine chamber.... *_* darn~
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